If you would like to meet with me to consider whether I can help you please either telephone or e-mail — my contact details are under Contact.

We will arrange to meet for an initial consultation which will take place usually over two meetings, each of 50 minutes. I will ask you in detail about your current difficulties, present relationships and family and your work situation. I will also ask about your memories of growing up and your life history. In the second session I will discuss with you what I understand of the nature of your difficulties and together we will consider whether I can help or whether a referral for some other kind of treatment seems to be more appropriate.

If we agree to continue working together we will look for a regular time to meet. My working hours are Tuesday to Friday, from 9am to 5pm. All sessions last for 50 minutes. I see people on a once, twice or three times weekly basis.

My fee is £70 per session; a reduced fee may be agreed depending on individual circumstances.